Welcome to the AFK Munitions Supply / AFK Munitions Operations Website

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The AFK Website = I Y A A Y A S

This website was created to maintain the AFK legacy. 

The 1st Annual AFK Munitions Supply reunion was held Nov 9-12, 2012 at the Hooters Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV. 

The 2nd Annual AFK Munitions Supply reunion was held  12-15 Sept, 2013 at the Dayton/Beavercreek Courtyard in Beavercreek, OH.

The 3rd Annual AFK Munitions Supply reunion was held at the Dayton House Resort,  Myrtle Beach, SC. on October 10 - 12, 2014.


This insignia should be displayed by U.S. Air Force Munitions Supply personnel so that they may be identified as an elite corps. The silver wings signify the association of the Munitions Supply Specialist with the Air Force. Unforecasted munition requirements come out of the magician's hat. Transfixed over the hat is the magician's wand, to signify the ease with which all supply problems are solved. On top of the hat is a crystal ball, used to ascertain future operations and maintenance munition requirements. The electron field denotes worldwide communications in finding and supplying requested munitions. The rabbit identifies the speed given in support of the wing mission. Above the rabbit, the python portrays the squeeze major commands put on Munition Supply procedures. The shaft, that the python is wrapped around, signifies what the munitions account gets in dealing with operations or maintenance. The pendant below is a hangman's noose implying misunderstanding between supply and maintenance. Hanging from the noose, the letter "K", signifies the management blunder in assigning this letter to the Munitions Stock Record Account and having a supply account work directly for a maintenance organization.